Tuesday, November 24, 2009


After purchasing an Apple computer last Christmas, I think that Apple has the best computers & technology with ipods, itouches, ihomes & everything that they create. I think that the way they publicize is really cool, their customer service is good & the way their products are made to work are very effective. I originally just had an ipod, but have expanded to have an ishuffle, ihome, now Mac Computer I'm actually using now & plan to buy more Apple products in the future. I think it's cool that it is pretty hard for Apples to have viruses & they take care of their virus protection on their own. It saves the computer user trouble and time by not having to worry about Anti-Virus protection & the work that goes into everything dealing with that. I would for sure recommend Apple to other consumers & suggest it to others to switch to because it's that good in my mind.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Last year for my CSR 417 Class, I was required to make a LinkedIn Profile. At first, I had no idea what it was or was about but, after creating one last Spring I realized how popular it was & how much people actually use this Professional Company Social Network. A lot of people find jobs off of this website, talk to people in their company through this or just even find people that they might know from their past and use it like a Facebook. I didn't pay much attention to it after I made it last year & received a grade for making a profile, but after applying to a few jobs this past Fall I have heard of it more & more & decided to clean up & update my profile after hearing of the popularity of it. I think I will use it more in the future for jobs & to communicate with the professional world. I didn't believe the popularity until now when I'm about to face the real world in 6 months and what it entails. I like LinkedIn, it is not as fun as Facebook obviously, but it is a nice social network to use in the professional world.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Storyplay: Nokia & Sesame Street

For our Technology Pitch, we talked about creating a video conference book by Nokia and Sesame Street. It's called Storyplay & Nokia teamed up with Sesame Street to create a video chat with children being able to be read to by the person on the other end of the video chat. Say your Grandparents live far, you are able to see your Grandparents through the video & be read to with a book by Sesame Street. That is the basis of what you can do with this instrument, which is not yet on the market but, they are still working out the minor problems it has right now before it is okay for consumers to buy. The presentation went well, in my mind, but their were a lot of bases to cover that I'm not sure that we did. I hope we got a good grade because we did work hard on it but it seems that their was a lot of competition. We will just have to wait and see how we did.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

My New BlackBerry!

The BlackBerry Flip is officially my new phone! I just got it on November 1st, 2009, which was 3 days ago & I really like it! I used to have the BlackBerry World Edition, which was a rather large phone & was my 1st BlackBerry ever to have used & I can say that I'm a pretty addicted to the BlackBerry. I did not want to get the touchscreen because I don't like touchscreen anything but, I love that I can get e-mail on my phone, now have a camera on my phone since my last BlackBerry didn't come with one, can receive picture messages & the technology of the BlackBerry Phone. The BlackBerry Flip is more like a real phone to me because it is a flip phone & it still has the ball like my old one but, is more suitable for me. I think they came out with this phone over the Summer about 2 to 3 months ago, but did not want to wait until Christmas to see what new BlackBerry they came out with so I got this one & I can say that I'm pretty pleased!

BlackBerry® Pearl™ Flip 8230 smartphone--My new phone after waiting for my 2 year upgrade from my BlackBerry World Edition! I love BlackBerrys because of BlackBerry Messenger which is like text messaging & AIM combined & is for free all over the world! That is part of the main reason why I love this line of phone so much because of the technology of BBM!